Krystal School UPDATE (7/28/20)

Hi Krystal Families,

Despite the unique circumstances, we are very excited to welcome our students to the 2020-2021 school year! As most of you know, we will be starting with distance learning. Our staff is still working on specific details but we want to provide you with as much information as possible at this time. 

2020-2021 School Year Information:
First Day of School is August 6th
Office: Our office is open for phone calls but not accepting walk-in traffic at this time. If you need to come to the office for any reason, it's by appointment only. Don't forget to update your student's information on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. 
Back to School Night: Our staff is currently working on a virtual Back to School Night for all grade-levels. More details and the date of release coming soon! 
Classroom Assignments: 20-21 assigned teachers were provided in last year's report cards. If you are new to Krystal, you may contact the office to find out your child's teacher. We will be posting more information about how to login to Google Classroom and connect with your teacher soon.
Chromebooks and Material Pick-up: Grade-levels are working on schedules to distribute materials. TK, Kindergarten, and 1st graders will also be receiving chromebooks. We will release schedules for pick-up as soon as they are established. Last year's sixth graders may hold onto their Chromebooks as long as they are still attending a HUSD school. If not, please call the school to make an appointment for drop-off. 

More information on Hesperia Unified School District's Plan can be found on our website and also on HUSD's website. We will keep you posted as new details come our way. Please follow us on Facebook for current updates. We are working hard to create a positive learning experience for students! We can't wait to see their faces in our hallways and classrooms but for now, we will stay connected through distance learning! 