Announcing the HUSD Summer Smash Esports Tournament June 14-17 for grades 6-8. Games will include Mario Kart and Smash Bros. Register by going to the link here or scanning the QR code on the image.
over 3 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Esports Flyer
There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 21st for a planned Snow Day. Enjoy your long weekend! We'll see you back for our last four days of this school year beginning Monday, May 24th!
over 3 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Snow Day Graphic
There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 21st for a planned Snow Day. Enjoy your long weekend! We'll see you back for our last four days of this school year beginning Monday, May 24th!
over 3 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Snow day flyer
Scholastic Book Fair - Buy One Get One Sale!! *When: Monday, May 10th - Friday, May 14th *Where: Krystal Library *Students may shop during their lunch recess or at the time slot reserved for their class. *Parents may visit the Book Fair on Wednesday, May 12th between 2:30 - 4:00 *Rather than send cash with a student, parents may use Scholastic's eWallet. A digital payment option that gives students a cashless way to shop the Book Fair. Krystal's eWallet:
over 3 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
book fair
May 3rd - 7th Krystal's Teacher Consideration Form is available this week only. Submissions must be received by Friday, May 7th at 4pm.
over 3 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
HUSD is currently in the planning stages of developing a Summer Learning program. Summer Learning programs (previously known as Summer School) will vary from school site to school site. Each site will determine days/times when students will attend based on individual site needs and available staff. Please fill out the Summer Learning Parent Interest Survey:
over 3 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
It's time to celebrate our AMAZING staff! May 3rd - 7th is staff appreciation week at Krystal. We'll start Monday off with "Leia" compliment! On Monday, make your favorite staff/teacher a card complimenting them. See the attached picture for the weeks plan!
over 3 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Staff Appreciation
Dear Krystal Families, The good news is we have almost ALL of our students back in person! However, this is causing us challenges with arrival and dismissal. Therefore, beginning April 27th, we are going to allow walk-up option again. Anyone choosing the walk-up option must wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines to ensure the safety of our students. If you would like to change your child's dismissal, PLEASE FILL OUT THE ATTACHED FORM. The form will also be posted to our website. Thank you again for your patience and have a great evening!
over 3 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
We look forward to seeing most of our Comets back full time next week! Please review the following information and remember to share with any family members helping with drop-off and pick-up.
over 3 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Good Afternoon Krystal Families! Please click on the link below for important information about returning to full time in person learning and distance learning.
almost 4 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Spirit Wear is Available for purchase! -PTC will be selling spirit wear in the bus circle on Mon & Tue (4/12 & 4/13) from 9:30-10:30, cash only please. -You may also order spirit wear online, online orders will be delivered to your child's classroom the following Thursday/Friday.
almost 4 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Thank you for your ongoing support with dismissal. Together, we have gotten it down to 20 minutes or less! We are now going to offer the option for students to walk home starting Monday, April 12th. This means that students will be escorted and crossed at the intersection of Krystal/Farmdale and released into the dirt area. If you would like your child to be a walker, please print and fill out the permission slip and submit it to the office. At this time, we are not offering a parent walk-up option. Print Permission Slip Here:
almost 4 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
We have more Krystal Spirit Wear!! Place your order online and spirit wear will be delivered to your child's classroom the following Thursday/Friday.  The first delivery will be on April 8th/9th.
almost 4 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
HUSD would like your feedback regarding the possibility of re-opening our elementary schools full time before the end of the current school year. Please complete one survey for EACH elementary child in your household by Tuesday, April 6th. Thank you! Al HUSD le gustaría recibir sus comentarios sobre la posibilidad de reabrir nuestras escuelas primarias a tiempo completo antes del final del año escolar actual. Por favor complete una encuesta para cada niño de primaria en su hogar antes del martes 6 de abril. ¡Gracias!
almost 4 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Please take a moment to fill out our 2020-2021 Krystal Parent Survey. We appreciate your participation and feedback!
almost 4 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
This is the last week for donations! Krystal's K-Kids Club will be accepting donations for HUSD foster families until 4/2. Visit our website for details and a list of items requested (new/unused items please). K-Kids thanks you for your support!
almost 4 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Catch up with the latest student stories, sports scores, and news updates. It’s all things Hesperia USD, in your pocket. If you haven’t already, download the app on Android: or iPhone:
almost 4 years ago, Hesperia Unified
We are loving our updated app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
almost 4 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Hello 6th Grade Families! Our middle schools are beginning the orientation/registration process for the 2021-2022 school year!  Use this link to find your middle school of attendance:  and then use the links below for your school's orientation.  Ranchero Middle School Virtual Orientation: Follow the link to get started!Website: Cedar Middle School Virtual Orientation: Wed, March 17th 10am-11:30amZoom Link: Hesperia Junior High Information to Come
almost 4 years ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
hello sixth grade
We’re thrilled to announce Hesperia Unified School District’s updated app! It’s all things Hesperia USD, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: http://bit. ly/2F1j1is or iPhone:
almost 4 years ago, Hesperia Unified