Hopefully you have received the Robocall from our Superintendent with the information that all school district activities are cancelled for the week of March 16th-20th. Please continue to check the school website and the HUSD website for updated information. As always, thank you for your support! We appreciate our Krystal family and we will keep you posted as information comes our way.
The family dances that were scheduled for this Friday and Saturday (3/13 and 3/14) will both be rescheduled. We will keep everyone posted with the new dates! Thank you!
We would like to remind Krystal families that we do not have supervision prior to 8:40 in the morning. We ask that you drop off students after 8:40 for the safety of all students.
P Jammin Day - Friday, March 13th
Wear your pajamas to school in exchange for a $1 donation! All donations go to the American Childhood Cancer Organization to provide resources and support to kids with cancer and their families. Why wear pajamas? Pajamas are often the battle uniform for kids with cancer. Stuck in the hospital for long periods of time during treatment, kids live in their pjs. PJammin is a way to raise awareness about childhood cancer and to help them feel less alone.
Due to rain in the forecast the Hesperian Ninja Warrior Finals will be rescheduled to FRIDAY, APRIL 3 2020. Elementary will start at 8:00 AM, middle school at 10:15 AM, and high schools at 11:15 AM.
It's week two of our Attendance All Star Celebration! HUSD will be celebrating all Krystal Comets who have absolutely perfect attendance in March! If you are in your seat every minute of every day in March, you will receive a pass to the free Attendance All-Stars BBQ celebration on April 8th at Krystal! So make sure to be in school, on-time everyday so you can be a Krystal Comet Attendance All-Star!
National School Breakfast Week!
March 2nd - March 6th
Join us for breakfast each day this week as we celebrate National School Breakfast Week! If you've never had breakfast at school, now is your chance! We will have prizes throughout the week. Breakfast is $1.50 and the menu can be found on our website.
Studies show that children who eat school breakfast are more likely to:
-Reach higher levels of achievement in reading and math
-Score higher on standardized tests
-Have better concentration and memory
-Be more alert and maintain a healthy weight
Hello HUSD parents and students. Here is the student calendar for the 2020-2021 school year (next school year). If you would like a hard copy of the calendar or have any other questions please contact the front office at your school.
Attendance All Star Celebration
HUSD will be celebrating all Krystal Comets who have absolutely perfect attendance in March! If you are in your seat every minute of every day in March, you will receive a pass to the free Attendance All-Stars BBQ celebration on April 8th at Krystal! So make sure to be in school, on-time everyday so you can be a Krystal Comet Attendance All-Star!
Spring Pictures!
Friday, February 21st
Come dressed to impress! All students will be photographed on Friday and pictures will be sent home with your child for you to review and place an order if you choose to.
Spirit Day
On Friday, February 14th, students may wear red and pink for Valentine's Day!
Book Fair volunteers needed! Please use the link below to sign up or contact Mary in the front office.
Krystal Spirit Wear will be available for purchase after school on Wed, 2/12 near walk-up pick-up. Be sure to get your newly designed spirit wear! Spirit bows, beanies and hats will also be available.
Student Council will be selling Valentine Grams starting Wednesday. Parents that would like to send their child a gram may purchase them before school in the lobby (Wed-Fri, 8:30-9:15). Students wishing to send their friends grams may purchase them during their lunchtime. Candy Grams: $1 and Wooden Rose Grams: $2
Attention Krystal Volunteers!
PTC is starting to prepare for our Mother/Son & Father/Daughter dances. If you are able to volunteer for decorating or concessions, please use the link below to sign up!
50s Themed Family BINGO Night!
Join us Wed, Feb 5th at 5pm for a fun night of BINGO. PTC will be selling BINGO cards after school on Fri, 1/31 and Mon, 2/3. $2.00 per card and daubers are available for $2.00 each (items also available for purchase the night of).
Krystal has been nominated for BEST OF THE DESERT! Use the link below to vote for Krystal, Best of the Desert 2020. Remember, you can vote daily!
Order Your Krystal Yearbook!
January 31st is the last day to get your yearbook for $20. Starting February 1st, yearbooks will go up to $25. Order forms available in the office, CASH ONLY or pay online with your credit card.
Yearbook ID Code: 11020320
Today is early out Wednesday! Students dismiss at 2:31.
Happy New Year and Welcome Back! Here are a few reminders about arrival and dismissal. We will also implement one minor change starting January 6th. The change is described in bold. Please note that drop-off and pick-up procedures will be enforced. Thank you for helping us to keep students safe.
Zone 1: Drop-Off/ Pick-Up Area- In front of the school
-Quick drop off/ pick-up and go
-Have students ready to exit or enter the car
-Parent does not get out of car
-Parent does not wait to watch student
-no walk-up is permitted in this zone upon dismissal-will be enforced
-Please pull all the way up to the curb for pick-up (similar to the drop off process)
Zone 2: Parking Lot
-Park car and walk student to the gate next to the cafeteria
-Please avoid backing into parking spots during arrival and dismissal
-Do not drop students off in the parking lot. This is not a safe drop off area for students.
Zone 3: Walk-up/Pick-up
-in the cafeteria (grades K-1) or at the gate next to the cafeteria (2nd-6th)
-This is the only allotted walk-up zone
-Park your car and then walk up to the cafeteria or gate to get your child
Our primary concern is the safety of our students. Please drive slowly in the school zone and adhere to traffic rules to ensure the safety of everyone. Be courteous of our neighbors by keeping driveways clear. We all need to work together to make it a safe and efficient entry and exit.