With the possibility of rain all day tomorrow, we wanted to remind Krystal Families of our inclement weather procedures:
-Morning drop off:
Procedures are very similar to a regular day. Instead of walking through the gate, students will enter through the cafeteria doors. Students wanting to eat breakfast may do so. Students will be monitored by proctors in their hallway until the bell rings.
-After school pick-up:
Drive-up: Procedure does not change. Parents should drive up, stay in their car and a staff member will escort your child to you.
Walk-up: All students will be in the cafeteria.
Walkers: Students will still be escorted out the walker gate unless we receive a note from parent requesting a change in pick-up.
Join us for Krystal's ELAC meeting, Friday, December 6th at 9:30am. We will meet in the Cafeteria to go over the School Plan for Student Achievement. See you there!
Acompáñenos el viernes, 06 de diciembre a las 9:30 a la reunión de ELAC de Krystal. Nos reuniremos en la cafetería para repasar el plan escolar para el rendimiento estudiantil. ¡Nos vemos allí!
We hope everyone had a fun and restful break! We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning. Just a reminder that Fall Fundraiser packets are due tomorrow.
Welcome back Krystal Comets!
*Attention all artists: yearbook cover contest deadline is this Friday, Nov. 22nd. Pick up a flyer in the office for more details on artwork guidelines.
*If you would like to order a yearbook, Dec 2nd is the last day to get it for the low price of $20. Flyers are available in the office or order online at ybpay.lifetouch.com using our ID code: 11020320
Lost and Found!
Please stop by our walk-up pick-up area after school to look through lost and found. There are MANY jackets, sweaters and lunch boxes with no names on them. Now that we are headed into cooler weather, please write your child's name in all jackets and sweaters.
REMINDER! Today is early out Wednesday, students should be picked up at 2:31.
Last Week for Donations! All donations are due to the office by Wed, Nov. 20th.
K-Kids, a service club of Krystal students, are asking for your help to collect non-perishable food items for Krystal families. We are asking each grade level to
bring items as follows: K-stuffing, 1st-box mashed potatoes, 2nd-bread/muffin mix, 3rd-boxed dessert, 4th-canned cranberries, 5th-canned vegetables, 6th-gravy
Krystal PTC will be selling discounted Spirit Wear (last year's design) after school today! Also, today is the last day to turn in your order forms for our NEW Spirit Wear!
Krystal Spirit Wear orders are due this Wednesday, November 6th! Order forms are available in the office, cash only. Don't miss out on the new design!
We are excited for our NEW Krystal Comet Spirit Wear! Look for order forms to come home today. All orders are due by Wednesday, November 6th.
Hesperia Parks and Recreation offers a Fall Camp, see their flyer for more information!
Red Ribbon Week *correction*
Wednesday - Crazy Hair Day
Krystal School's Red Ribbon Week
October 28th - November 1st
Let's all pledge to be drug free! Show your support by participating in our spirit days.
Monday: Use your head, don't do drugs. (crazy hat day)
Tuesday: Peace out to drugs! (wear tie dye clothing)
Wednesday: Drugs make you crazy! (crazy hat day)
Thursday: Happy Halloween! (wear orange and black)
Friday: Red Ribbon Spirit Day (wear red)
Krystal's Fall Festival Raffle Baskets
All this week, we will be selling raffle tickets for our amazing baskets! Stop by the library in the mornings or after school to purchase tickets and view the raffle baskets. Tickets are $1 each and will also be available for purchase at the festival on Oct. 26th.
Krystal School Fall Festival
We are still collecting candy! Please turn in any donations to the front office. Use the link below if you are an approved volunteer and would like to volunteer some of your time helping us at our Fall Fest on Oct. 26th. http://bit.ly/KrystalFallFestVolunteer
National School Lunch Week!
Be sure to stop by the cafeteria this week for breakfast and lunch! Our wonderful Krystal Kitchen will be celebrating National School Lunch Week with fun surprises! Check out our website for the menu and info on how to apply for free and reduced breakfast/lunch.
Krystal School Dress Code Reminder
As the weather gets cooler, we want to remind all students that jackets/sweaters worn in the classroom must be a solid school color. Jackets/sweaters worn outside on the playground do not have to be school colors. Also, leggings worn under skirts/dresses must be a solid school color. If you have any questions, please direct them to your child's teacher or the office.
Make-up Picture Day
Friday, October 4th
Students that need to retake their school picture or that missed the original day should come dressed to take their picture.
Krystal Spirit Wear Sales!
PTC will be selling Krystal spirit wear Wednesday after school at our walk-up pick-up. Last chance to get spirit wear at current prices, all t-shirt sizes are in stock.
Reminder: FREE obsolete textbooks are available to families to pick up all week at our walk-up pick-up area.
All this week, we will have obsolete textbooks available at Krystal's walk-up pick-up area for families to take home. Take as much as you can use and check back daily for different grade levels!