Dismissal Reminders Please remember to always bring your sign with your child’s name to walk-up pick-up or have it in your car for drive-up pick-up. It helps us to look for and call for your child to be ready to go home. We ask that all families use designated crosswalks and when walking to your car off campus, please use the crosswalk at the corner of Farmdale and Krystal. It is unsafe to cross Farmdale into the dirt lot.
4 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Krystal Spirit Wear is now available! Order online until Friday, September 13th. https://bityl.co/KP1K
4 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Krystal Breakfast and Lunch Did you know that this school year, breakfast and lunch is FREE to all students? Breakfast is available each morning in the cafeteria starting at 8:40am. Be sure to check out the elementary breakfast/lunch menus to check out what’s available! https://bityl.co/Rhq2
4 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Krystal PTC Membership Drive Our membership drive begins on Monday and will run through September 6th. When you sign up for PTC, you help support Comet Club 360, field trips, art supplies, field days, assemblies, PE equipment and much more! Paid members will receive a membership card that can be stamped at volunteer events making you eligible for a raffle at the end of the school year. Look for fliers to come home on Monday!
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Phone/Smartwatch Policy Krystal follows the district policy that student cell phones and/or smartwatches (electronic signaling devices) should remain at home or powered off and stored safely in students’ backpacks during the school day for use before or after school hours. Please review the Krystal Information Packet for more information about the policy. Krystal Information Packet: https://ggle.io/6ehw
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Hello Krystal Families! Comet Club 360 is back for another year! We will be continuing the program that rewards students who are safe, respectful, and responsible. The ‘360’ in CC360 is related to math, as it is the amount of degrees in a circle. The thinking behind this is that students who participate are “all-around” great kids. Please click the link below for more details on how students can qualify each quarter. https://ggle.io/6oC0
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Today is EARLY OUT WEDNESDAY! Tk/Kinder End of Academic Day: 12:59 Tk/Kinder - 6th Grade End of Full Day: 2:31
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Hello Krystal Families! The Krystal School Site Council (SSC) is currently accepting nominations for members. The SSC is a committee that oversees the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and expenditures. If you would like to nominate yourself or nominate someone else, please click on the link: https://ggle.io/6oG3
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Attention 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Students! Interested in participating in Krystal’s music program? Check out this video on Mr. Ingram’s homepage that is an overview of some frequently asked questions: https://youtu.be/irxbuwD_GRk Here's a link to Mr. Ingram’s website where your students can sign up for music. https://sites.google.com/view/musicingram/home Important dates: Wednesday, August 21 - Last day to sign up for the lottery/music August 29th - First week of music. If you sign up for Krystal's music program students will receive a Google Classroom invite to join the class. Music classes start Thursday, August 29th. Please join the class even if you do not have an instrument yet. Any questions? Please reach out to Mr. Ingram through Google Classroom or email. Mr. Ingram's Webpage: https://tinyl.io/9EfH
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Attention 3rd-6th Grade Krystal Families! Interested in joining Krystal’s Dance Club? All interested students in grades 3-6 should fill out the form linked below. After school club meetings will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 P.M. starting August 20th. More Information and Form: https://ggle.io/6mGO
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Tomorrow is our very first Krystal Spirit Wear Friday! On Fridays, students may choose to wear jeans (free of rips/tears and black, navy, blue, or khaki) and a Krystal Spirit Wear shirt or Krystal class shirt. Students may choose to wear regular uniform dress on Fridays as well. Please view the Krystal Parent Information Packet for more details on our dress code: https://ggle.io/6ehw
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will be hosting a Vaccination event on: Wednesday, August 14 from 2 pm-5 pm at the Hesperia Unified School District. For more info see: https://5il.co/2ta6h
5 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Krystal’s Scholastic Book Fair is here! Monday, August 12th - Friday, August 16th Students may shop with their class or during their lunch recess. We welcome parents to check out the book fair, after school, on Wednesday and Thursday (8/14 and 8/15 for one hour after school). Your child can shop cash free using an eWallet! Set up a Scholastic eWallet for your child here: https://bityl.co/OK1R
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
HUSD is excited to partner with Think Together to support expanded learning opportunities for our elementary students after school during the 2024-2025 school year. To register your child, you can go to http://thinktogether.org. You can also find phone numbers for site-specific questions on our district website at: https://www.hesperiausd.org/page/after-school-expanded-learning-opportunities-programs HUSD se complace en colaborar con el programa después de clases "Think Together", para apoyar las oportunidades de aprendizaje ampliadas para nuestros alumnos de primaria después de clases durante el año escolar 2024-2025. Para inscribir a su hijo, puede entrar a; http://thinktogether.org. También puede encontrar números de teléfono para preguntas específicas de cada escuela en nuestro sitio de internet del distrito en; https://www.hesperiausd.org/page/after-school-expanded-learning-opportunities-programs
5 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Think together flyer English
Think together flyer Spanish
Reminder! Krystal Back to School Nights Tuesday, August 6th: 1st Grade - 6th Grade and ALL A-Team Students Wednesday, August 7th: Tk and Kinder 4:30-5:30 p.m. Krystal PTC will be selling Spirit Wear! T-shirts are available for $15 and hats for $25, cash only please. On the first day of school, parents may choose to walk students on campus through the main gate or kindergarten gate. We ask that parents do not enter the hallways/building. Once students enter the hallways, we will have staff members available to help direct students to their classrooms. On the second day of school and moving forward, families will drop off their students in the drive up lane or at the walk up gate.
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
We are excited to see you at our Back to School Night! Tuesday, August 6th: 1st Grade - 6th Grade and ALL A-Team Students Wednesday, August 7th: Tk and Kinder 4:30-5:30 p.m. Krystal PTC will be selling Spirit Wear! T-shirts are available for $15 and hats for $25, cash only please.
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
We are so excited to welcome back our Krystal Comets on August 8th! Please review the links below for important start of the year information: Welcome Back Information: https://ggle.io/6eiq 24/25 Dismissal Form: https://ggle.io/6eir Krystal Parent Information Packet: https://ggle.io/6ehw
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Are you ready for the first day of school? Make sure you check out your teacher’s supply list on our website. Visit krystalschool.org, click ‘Menu,’ ‘Parent’ and then ‘Grade Level Supply Lists and Expectations. We look forward to seeing you on August 8th!
5 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Krystal School Back to School Nights Join us for an opportunity to meet your teacher and check out our campus! Tuesday, August 6th: 1st Grade - 6th Grade and ALL A-Team Students Wednesday, August 7th: Tk and Kinder 4:30-5:30 p.m.
6 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
KRYSTAL SCHOOL UNIFORM EXCHANGE Families may drop off uniforms that no longer fit (in good/clean condition) to the front office. Families will receive one ticket for each item turned in. Tickets can then be redeemed for uniform pieces on Friday, August 2nd. . Uniform Drop-off: Tuesday 7/30 - Thursday 8/1 from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Uniform Shopping: August 2nd from 8:00 am - 10:00 am
6 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology